Gated pathway leading to entrance door.
Upvc part glazed front door, upvc obscure double glazed window to front, space for coats and shoes, telephone point, stairs rising first floor, door to living room.
LIVING ROOM : 13' 11'' x 10' 11'' (4.24m x 3.32m)
Upvc double glazed window to front, feature brick built fireplace with inset gas fire, radiator, television point, under-stairs storage cupboard, radiator, door to dining kitchen.
DINING KITCHEN : 17' 2'' x 8' 3'' (5.23m x 2.51m)
Upvc double glazed window to rear. Recently refitted with modern wall and base units with work surface over, stainless steel sink unit, tiled splash backs, free standing cooker, space and plumbing for washing machine, space for tumble dryer, space for fridge freezer, under stairs storage cupboard, radiator, opening through to garden room, tiled flooring.
GARDEN ROOM : 9' 10'' x 8' 10'' (2.99m x 2.69m)
Windows to rear and side, radiator, television point, laminate flooring, French doors to rear garden.
Loft access, doors to bedrooms and bathrooms
BEDROOM ONE : 13' 10'' x 8' 8'' (4.21m x 2.64m)
Upvc double glazed windows to front, a range of fitted wardrobes, over stairs storage cupboard, radiator.
BEDROOM TWO : 10' 10'' x 10' 6'' (3.30m x 3.20m)
Upvc double glazed window to rear, airing cupboard housing hot water tank, radiator.
FAMILY BATHROOM : 5' 11'' x 5' 6'' (1.80m x 1.68m)
Upvc obscure glazed window to rear, refitted modern white suite including close coupled w.c., wall mounted wash hand basin, fully tiled walk in shower cubicle, fully tiled walls, radiator, laminate flooring.
Gated access, enclosed with chain link fencing, mainly laid to lawn.
A delightful private rear garden, fully enclosed with fence panels and brick wall, gated access to rear, outside tap. The garden is laid with paving slabs and block paving and there is a pergola, raised bed, brick built workshop / shed with power and light.
Modern Solar Thermal panels fitted 21/07/2021, with a 10 year guarantee.
These super-efficient panels heat up to 90% of hot water usage in summer and even in winter give up to 30% for a family of four.
A new vented water cylinder fitted giving a high pressure system for the bathroom shower.
Gated pathway leading to entrance door.
Upvc part glazed front door, upvc obscure double glazed window to front, space for coats and shoes, telephone point, stairs rising first floor, door to living room.
LIVING ROOM : 13' 11'' x 10' 11'' (4.24m x 3.32m)
Upvc double glazed window to front, feature brick built fireplace with inset gas fire, radiator, television point, under-stairs storage cupboard, radiator, door to dining kitchen.
DINING KITCHEN : 17' 2'' x 8' 3'' (5.23m x 2.51m)
Upvc double glazed window to rear. Recently refitted with modern wall and base units with work surface over, stainless steel sink unit, tiled splash backs, free standing cooker, space and plumbing for washing machine, space for tumble dryer, space for fridge freezer, under stairs storage cupboard, radiator, opening through to garden room, tiled flooring.
GARDEN ROOM : 9' 10'' x 8' 10'' (2.99m x 2.69m)
Windows to rear and side, radiator, television point, laminate flooring, French doors to rear garden.
Loft access, doors to bedrooms and bathrooms
BEDROOM ONE : 13' 10'' x 8' 8'' (4.21m x 2.64m)
Upvc double glazed windows to front, a range of fitted wardrobes, over stairs storage cupboard, radiator.
BEDROOM TWO : 10' 10'' x 10' 6'' (3.30m x 3.20m)
Upvc double glazed window to rear, airing cupboard housing hot water tank, radiator.
FAMILY BATHROOM : 5' 11'' x 5' 6'' (1.80m x 1.68m)
Upvc obscure glazed window to rear, refitted modern white suite including close coupled w.c., wall mounted wash hand basin, fully tiled walk in shower cubicle, fully tiled walls, radiator, laminate flooring.
Gated access, enclosed with chain link fencing, mainly laid to lawn.
A delightful private rear garden, fully enclosed with fence panels and brick wall, gated access to rear, outside tap. The garden is laid with paving slabs and block paving and there is a pergola, raised bed, brick built workshop / shed with power and light.
Modern Solar Thermal panels fitted 21/07/2021, with a 10 year guarantee.
These super-efficient panels heat up to 90% of hot water usage in summer and even in winter give up to 30% for a family of four.
A new vented water cylinder fitted giving a high pressure system for the bathroom shower.